We are so thankful to be loved and supported by so many people! Check out some of the stories from our students and volunteers!

I have been going to Victory Reins since I was 3. I could ride before I could walk! I love Victory Reins because you can ride horses, exercise and stretch, and spend time with friends. It also helps with my motor skills because I play games (like throwing bean bags at a target) and have to balance when riding. It is fun to strengthen my core by doing up downs with my friends! It's always so much fun! The horses are beautiful and gentle and Ms. Sandy and all the volunteers are so nice.

Our daughter loves horseback riding! It’s great for her physically and mentally! She is becoming more independent! She has been with Victory Reins for
8 years!

My daughter has been riding at Victory Reins for 16 years. It has helped her immensely with her physical limitations as well as helping her to develop strong bonds with the volunteers and staff. She loves being a part of the Special Olympics and it has helped her self esteem.

I have been riding at Victory Reins for 10 years! I am a man that was always afraid of horses! Sandy and her team helped me overcome my fear and I am very grateful.

Charlotte is 14 years old and started riding at Victory Reins when she was 4 years old. Charlotte has Cerebral Palsy and horseback riding has helped her build strength, improve her balance, use both of her hands, and so much more. Charlotte loves how it feels to be up high on a horse and the rhythm of the horse's steps helps her sit up taller. Riding also gives her a sense of pride and accomplishment. Mrs.Sandy and the volunteers keep her safe while giving her appropriate challenges. Everyone at Victory Reins is so caring and so much fun. It's like coming home to family!

Victory Reins has given my son his freedom. Ethan is a 19 year old boy with cerebral palsy, who utilizes a wheelchair for mobility. Ethan's favorite place has been Victory Reins for the past 16 years. He loves to give his horse commands and maneuver him around the arena. He's even started teaching them his commands in Italian. We highly recommend Sandy and her staff. It's been a magical place for our son!
Miss. Jaclyn

I have been a volunteer at Victory Reins for 8 years and it has been the best experience! I come throughout the week to feed the animals and work in lessons. I have gained a second family with all of the volunteers and the owners! It is so rewarding watching the students grow and advance their skills. I have made some of my best friends through Victory Reins and I am incredibly thankful for this second family. I can’t imagine what my life would be like today without this barn!
Miss. Lauren

I've been coming out to Victory Reins to volunteer on at least a weekly basis for almost seven years and I can honestly say it has changed my life for the better. I'm very lucky to be able to say that I've grown up with horses but since I started coming out to the barn, it strengthened my love and need to help animals even more. Now I can proudly say I am a Veterinary Technician. The people I have met here have become my second family and I cannot be more grateful for that.
Mr. Phil

I started volunteering at VR about 5 years ago. It seemed helping take care of the animals would be the best way for me to help the kids. I don't know who got the most help, the kids or me! Its been amazing how the volunteers have become like family! Everyone helps everybody else and there is such a presence of God in the barn! People caring for the kids and each other! I think it's God's love and compassion coming through each volunteer loud and clear!!
Ms. Brenda

Victory Reins is a family of families. I started volunteering at VR because of my love for horses, but I realized there is much more than that. Friendships from other volunteers, the special needs kids that I work with, and the special owners Miss. Sandy and Mr. Jim. I am very thankful and blessed to be a part of their family. Taking care, feeding, cleaning stalls, brushing, tacking horses, stacking hay, and of course working with our special needs students are such a joy. Did I also mention you get a lot of exercise! I am so thankful to be a part of their family.
Mr. Brian

I have been a volunteer at Victory Reins for 4 and a half years now. I've been involved with lessons on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings, helping take care of the students, help Mr. Jim make repairs, and work with the students. Working with both the students and volunteers have been so rewarding for me over the last few years. It's amazing watching both the students and other volunteers grow over time and build friendships with everyone I work with. I've enjoyed being able to share my two miniature horses with the program here and see and hear about how it can make a difference in the student's lives and experiences here. This truly has been a special place for me.
Miss. Bethany

I have been a volunteer at Victory Reins for 10 years. I come throughout the week to feed the animals and work in lessons. The more time you spend at the barn, the more you fall in love with the students. Watching the students learn and grow, while gaining new skills is so much fun. I love all of the horses, Sandy and Jim, and all of the volunteers. I have made lots of friends here and we have become a family. We all want to see each other all the time.